Basic Tights

by | Apr 8, 2021 | Style Guides

The first spring warmth brings the topic of pantyhose to our agenda. For some reason, the issue of tights is still one of the most confusing. So let’s dot the “I’s” and cross the “T’s”. To simplify, I offer you my conditional scheme.

The basic tights are:


They should be exactly like your skin tone and do not make any conditional tan. Otherwise, it turns out that only the legs are tanned, and everything else – no.
Invisible tights

Transparent basic colors

These are my favourites; they do not pretend to be a tan but declare a smoky hue. They are easy to fit into almost any look: to light shades, colorful and dark. It solves the problem of choosing stockings up to 99%.

ransparent basic colors

Half-transparent basic colors

Similar to the previous paragraph, but this is a denser texture and, therefore, expressive color. The tights no longer look like a web on the legs but become a noticeable stain in the look. They are a little harder to combine, but they keep us warm, and it is an excellent option in early spring.

 Half-transparent basic colors


These are also some of the gold standards of combinatorics. Dense textures – for the day, transparent – for the evening. But remember that the thicker the black color, the more overload the silhouette. Therefore, we follow the balance in the look.

Black tights
To summarize the vision, look at the picture of the basic tights palette. We start from invisible, continue with smoky shades, then expressive and end with transparent and thick black.
Basic tights palette

That’s all, and there is no higher mathematics, only the very fabric of reality.