My fav show from the fashion weeks 2020

von | Mrz 7, 2020 | Fashion Trends

Yesterday fashion weeks ended. One of the reasons I love my work as a stylist is because I am constantly in the process of studying, analyzing, looking, and marvelling.

Today it is about the emotional component. One of the shows somehow struck me especially. And I wanted to share it. And this was Mark Jacobs. It was so much more than a catwalk, and it was theatre, dance, atmosphere and New York. How was it possible to tell about the city in an extraordinary way, with a historical flashback to the 60s, 90s, which with the help of the master was updated and acted out fresh and gorgeous.

Shortly, I advise all to watch the show. And the slides are just an announcement. How do you like this format of the post, my friends? Interesting? Or maybe someone has watched the show already?